W.R. Hopping & Co. - Hotel Consultants & Appraisers


Hotel and Hospitality Appraisal, Impact Studies, Expert Witness

Products & Services

With a fourteen-year operational background supporting over twenty years of consulting experience, Bill Hopping has consistently provided clients with honest, straightforward, market oriented advice.

Our services are individually tailored to your needs. We are a boutique-style firm where you work with the principal and directly benefit from his experience.

Our primary services include:

Market Demand Studies:
All our hotel and other hospitality appraisals include a detailed market demand analysis. Market demand studies can also be developed as stand-alone documents for assessing market and product potential. This is a logical first step when developers want their products tailored for maximum profitability. Market demand studies are the basis for full feasibility studies.

Market Position Studies:
Economic cycles and the simple passing of time influence a hotel's ability to capture the most profitable demand. Market position studies analyze the possibilities of cost-effectively reorienting the product and your target marketing to maximize profitability.

Facility Programming:
Market studies are used to develop architectural programs, which are the meat of facility and amenity development as well as space planning and allocation. This in turn leads to increased profitability. This saves on architectural fees and ultimately results in smoother operations and financially sounder investments.

Impact Studies:
While referral systems can be responsible for up to forty percent of your business, the addition of another like-branded product to your market can seriously erode your market share. By analyzing the potential incremental impact on exiting hotels, these studies help both the hotel owner and the referral source balance brand development with the success of the individual hotels.



As a boutique firm, we review your needs and concerns, and develop a game plan to address those specific issues. If some of your particular needs are beyond our areas of expertise, or if we feel additional resources would benefit you, we can develop a custom-made consulting team especially for your assignment. Alternatively, we are pleased to refer you to the appropriately qualified firms or individuals.

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